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Autori \ Lewis Spence

Lewis Spence (1874 - 1955) a fost editor la revistele Scotsman, Edinburgh Magazine (pentru un an), si apoi la The Weekly. In aceasta perioada, interesul sau pentru mitologia si folclorul din Mexic si America Centrala devine foarte viu. A tradus si popularizat in Occident cartea sacra a mayasilor quiche, Popul Vuh. Tot el a compilat un important si cuprinzator Dictionar de mitologie.

Cercetarile lui Spence intreprinse in mitologia si civilizatia Lumii Noi, impreuna cu examinarea culturilor din vestul Europei si nord-vestul Africii, l-au dus aproape inevitabil la chestiunea Atlantidei, asupra careia a emis idei surprinzatoare. Eruditia, lecturile, imaginatia si scrisul lui Spence erau toate impresionante. El pare sa fi avut o oarecare influenta asupra controversatelor idei ale lui Immanuel Velikovsky. De-a lungul carierei sale, Spence a publicat peste treizeci de volume, multe dintre acestea dovedindu-si valabilitatea si in perioada contemporana. A fost fondator al Scottish National Movement, care ulterior s-a transformat in Partidul National al Scotiei.

Opera (selectiv):

The Popul Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America, London, David Nutt, 1908.

A Dictionary of Mythology, 1910.

The Myths of Mexico and Peru (1914, Reprinted 1976) Longwood.

The Myths of the North American Indians, London: George G. Harrap & Co, 1914

Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria (New York:Stokes) 1917; (Reprint 1997) Kessinger Publishing.

The Legends and Romances of Spain, 1920.

An Introduction to Mythology, George G. Harrap & Co., 1921.

The Gods of Mexico, Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1923.

The Mysteries of Egypt, or, The Secret Rites and Traditions of the Nile, 1929.

The Magic and Mysteries of Mexico, 1932.

Legends and Romances of Brittany, 1917.

The Minor Traditions of British Mythology, 1948, London: Rider & Co; reprinted 1972, Benjamin Blom, Inc.

The Outlines of Mythology, 1944.

British Fairy Origins: The Genesis and Development of Fairy Legends in British Tradition, London: Watts & Co., 1946.

Fairy Tradition in Britain, (1948, Reprint 1997) Kessinger Publishing

Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends, (Reprint 1990) Dover

Scottish Ghosts and Goblins, 1952